You randomly select one card from a 52-card deck find the probability of selecting a ten or an eight

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you randomly select one card from a 52-card deck. find the probability of selecting a red jack or a red eight

p(red jack or red eight) = p(red jack) + p(red eight)

p(red jack or red eight) = 2/52 + 2/52

p(red jack or red eight) = 4/52

p(red jack or red eight) = 1/13

The probability of selecting a red jack or a red eight is 1/13.

By use of observations and some patterns, you can figure out the probability, or likelihood, of getting a certain card, so when you're pretty sure, you can bet lots of money.

there are 4 aces therefore the probability is 4/52=1/13 there are 4 8's therefore the probability would be the same 1/13 :

if aces and 8's together it would be 8/52=2/13

You randomly select one card from a deck of 52 cards. Find the probabilty of selecting an ace or a 8? -------------------------- # of ways to succeed: 8 # of possible outcomes: 52 P(ace or 8) = 8/52 = 2/13 = 0.153846... Cheers,

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